
Demonstrations done by Telaraña members serve several functions.  We are doing Public Outreach, educating others about the time honored crafts of the fiber arts.  We also spread the word about our organization – and the fact that we are a Fiber Arts Guild, not limited to Spinners and Weavers.  We have made a special effort to be working at more than just spinning and weaving, and thereby encouraging fiber people to join us even if they may not be spinners or weavers. Our demonstrators have brought examples of knitting, crochet, felting, and whatever else they have ready for show and to Demonstrate.  We always have a good time, and we think that shows – people are always attracted to our space!  When we set up, we are basically creating the atmosphere of an Old Fashioned ‘Spinning Bee’.  We spend the day gabbing with each other and with the public, all the while working on a favorite project.  It just doesn’t get any better than that!!!

If you have never participated in a Demo Event, please consider coming to one.  It’s a great way to get to know your fellow guild members. The guild has a 4-harness table loom available for demonstration events. If you would like to demonstrate spinning, weaving or other fiber craft – or if you have any questions about demonstrating, please contact Nancy Wanek at

Coming demonstrations:

Coming up:  Ancient Technology Day at S’edav Va’aki Museum (formerly Pueblo Grande Museum)  March 8, 2025  9am – 3pm, 4619 E. Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034     We will be there with box looms. It’s always a busy table; if you can help, contact Sharie M.

Free admission!  Website:


Hayden Ferry Days Festival, March 2023



Demonstration Event List:

Coming up:  Ancient Technology Day at S’edav Va’aki Museum (formerly Pueblo Grande Museum)  March 8, 2025  9am – 3pm, 4619 E. Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034     We will be there with box looms. It’s always a busy table; if you can help, contact Sharie M.

Free admission!  Website: