Study Groups

Tapestry/Navajo/Backstrap Study Group 

MCC Indigenous Weaving is a study group for tapestry and Navajo loom weaving. General meetings are held on the Second Saturday of each month from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at Mesa Community College main campus on Southern/Dobson in Mesa (1833 W. Southern Ave., Mesa AZ 85202) at the Social Cultural (SC) Building #14 in room SC-30. All weavers are welcome – bring your supplies and weave with us. We have plenty of room! Do come and join us.  See our Face Book page: MCC Tapestry and Navajo Study Group,  Our Guild also has a Face Book page: Telaraña Weavers and Spinners Guild,  I hope you are a member of that also.


Coffee cans/lids or plastic containers/lids to put coffee grounds and peelings of vegetables/fruit. The MCC Red Mountain has a newly planted orchard with 9 fruit trees and has started a compost pile. The containers will be sent home with students to collect this material. Give to Sharie.

Boxes or we used to call them flats. When you are in the grocery stores, look down the beverage aisle and see if a soda pop representative is filling product. He/she will be happy to have you take the boxes. We need them for our children’s weaving project at Pueblo Grande Museum in February. Sharie is collecting these and will pre-cut them so they are ready to be warped.

Yarn suitable for Navajo weaving and tools (Forks) to be sent to Tohatchi High School in New Mexico. They have a class in Navajo weaving for interested students. They always need yarn and tools. A one-ply wool yarn like Brown Sheep brand or handspun is what is needed. Give to Sharie to mail.

Weavers Study Group

The Weavers Study Group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month in a member’s home or at a community room.  We review books and videos together, share tips and techniques, have a detailed show-and-tell, and collectively offer suggestions when someone is in a quandary.  

Contact Winnie Johnson or Nancy Ryan if you want more information,